Link to ACLU's "Free Speech" section |
Center for Democracy and Technology
works to promote democratic values and constitutional liberties in the digital
age |
| cyberSLAPP.org
founded by a coalition of organizations to protect online anonymous free speech |
| Electronic
Frontier Foundation (EFF) working to protect our fundamental rights
regardless of technology; to educate the press, policymakers and the general public
about civil liberties issues related to technology; and to act as a defender of
those liberties. If you are a Blogger make sure to see the Legal Guide for Bloggers. |
| epic.org
Electronic Privacy Information Center a public interest research center in
Washington, D.C. It was established in 1994 to focus public attention on emerging
civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional
values |
| JohnDoes.org
Supporting online anonymity |
Citizen Supports a varity of online rights issues. Excellent Internet
Free Speech information resource section |
Resources |
| New
York State Residents:
The New York Office of the Attorney General has been actively involved in internet
issues, including protecting Free Speech rights. Website: http://www.oag.state.ny.us
Internet issues: http://www.oag.state.ny.us/internet/internet.html
| National
Association of Attorneys General You should be able to find a link
to your State's Attorney General here. |
Internet & Law |
Act (part of the Lanham Act)30 |
| The
Berkman Center for Internet and Society a research program founded
to explore cyberspace, share in its study, and help pioneer its development, based
at Harvard Law School |
| Fair
Use Network
"The Fair Use Network provides information to activists, artists,
scholars, and anyone else who has questions about "IP"
(intellectual property) law. Our basic purpose is to support fair use and
other free expression safeguards within the law, because free expression is
essential to creativity, culture, and a healthy democracy." |
| Gigalaw.com "Legal
Information for Internet Professionals." Includes a number of articles related
to the internet (free speech, hyperlinks, copyright, etc.) |
| Greplaw
Greplaw's goal is to create a frequently updated, highly interactive forum for
the dissemination and discussion of legal news concerning information technology.
Produced by The Berman
Center. |
Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy |
guidelines for determining bad-faith use of a domain name |
| World
Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Overview of WIPO Panel Views on Selected
Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Questions |
| The
Lanham Act (U.S. Code - Trademarks) |
| U.S.
Code, Title 17 (Copyrights) |
Resources |
| Success
By Default: A New Profile of Domain Name Trademark Disputes Under ICANN's
UDRP Policy (.pdf format) A
superb 31-page report by Dr.
Milton Mueller, a recognized authority on conflicts involving trademarks and
Internet domain names. |
Law Resource Center - MLRC (was formerly Libel Defense Resource Center
- LDRC) "What is Libel?"
The Libel Defense Resource Center is a non-profit information clearinghouse organized
in 1980 by leading media entities to monitor and promote First Amendment rights
in libel, privacy, and related fields of law. Does not represent non-members. |
Organizations |
| Consumer
Action serve consumers nationwide by advancing consumer rights, referring
consumers to complaint-handling agencies, advocating for consumers in the media
and before lawmakers, and comparing prices on credit cards, bank accounts, and
long distance services |
| Consumer
Alert A nationwide, non-profit, non-partisan consumer group committed
to protecting consumer choice & promoting economic growth |
| National
Consumers League a private, nonprofit advocacy group representing
consumers on marketplace and workplace issues |
Magazines Top Hate Sites
| Sometimes it seems that shoddy products and atrocious customer service go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
But while your average disgruntled consumer simply vents their bile by bellowing at a bewildered service rep, a few go farther. Much farther. These perennially peeved people build--and obsessively maintain--sites devoted exclusively to complaining about their least favorite corporations.
2002 |
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