Disgruntled tells of how he was treated by he and his pregnant wife
were in an accident with a Farmers Insured.
Site claims it is Farmers Insurance policy to repair cars with used
Site points to story about Ethel Adams whose claim was denied by
Farmers Insurance.
Established by a disgruntled boat owner. Has been cited as a legal
precedent in trademark-related cases in which a business' name is
used as the domain name.
Site owner DiGiovanni was sued for extortion, defamation and civil RICO violations.
See story here.
"This is a true story of how an "insurance company"
has refused to pay an insurance claim for damages due to fire."
Sompo Sucks (
Critical of Sompo Japan Insurance
Company of America. "Sompo is laying off American employees in their New York, Atlanta, Nashville, Chicago and Los Angeles offices. All American employees have been laid off in the Chicago and Atlanta offices. To date, no Japanese Nationals (at least 25% of the employees at Sompo) have been laid off. A number of former long term employees have claimed that Sompo treated them in a dishonorable manner..."
Zeroing in on Zurich Financial Services
(The Catbird Seat) Information on the following stories and
more: Zurich American Settles Insurance Probe, 3 More Execs Plead Guilty in Ongoing Spitzer Insurance Brokerage Probe, Zurich American Insurance Executives Plead Guilty.
"Zurich North America...did not make any attempt in good faith to effectuate a prompt, fair and equitable settlement of my claim in which liability was clear and never disputed."